We want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to every single one of you for your unwavering support and dedication to providing exceptional paediatric comfort care across our Walk-In Centres. Your kindness and compassion truly make a difference in the lives of our patients and their families.
We’re excited to share that the Gungahlin and Belconnen Walk-In Centres have been awarded the Patient Centered Innovative Care Award at the CEO Awards for our work in quality improvement. Lizzie and I had the honor of accepting this prestigious award on behalf of all of YOU—our incredible volunteers whose hard work, passion, and commitment to improving patient care have made this possible.
The patient feedback from this Quality Improvement initiative has been overwhelmingly positive. Families have felt supported and reassured knowing their children are receiving comfort and care in an environment that feels safe and compassionate.
And the staff feedback has been just as positive! The comfort care items you’ve helped provide have not only helped ease the pain and anxiety of our youngest patients, but they’ve also had a profound impact on our team. The ability to offer soothing, comforting items has made a world of difference in improving the overall experience for both patients and staff. It’s uplifting to see the morale and satisfaction of our staff rise as they see the difference this care makes every day.
Thank you for your dedication, passion, and the heart you put into everything you do. Your contribution helps us deliver exceptional care.