GOG Coronavirus Update

The situation regarding Covid-19 changes daily and GOG is making every effort to adapt to these changes, for the health and safety of all the members of our community. As you are aware, our last Working Bee was cancelled. It was unfortunate to miss out on such a strong community building event, but for the sake of the whole community, especially members who are particularly vulnerable at this time, we have had to cancel all in-person working bees.

The following is some important new information to keep everyone up to date.

1.       It is just as important as ever for people to find comfort in this trying time, which is what GOG has been doing since its founding, so goodies are still in need. We are asking our members to carry on stitching within their own homes if their situation allows, even though our in-person Working Bees have been cancelled for the foreseeable future. Thanks to our lovely supporters; Hobbysew and Crafty Frog, members will be able to continue to drop off Goodies at these businesses.  Any members who are self-isolating/self-quarantined and unable to leave their home can contact myself to arrange for a doorstep pickup.  Further, any members who may require supplies (Job for GOG packs, yarn, etc) can contact myself via email or Facebook PM and we will arrange to supply packs.

2.       Virtual Working Bees – Last weekend we trialled a Facebook virtual working bee where members chatted and posted photos of their current projects, etc. We would like to continue to conduct our Working Bees online until we can meet again in person and are now working through the logistics to provide further virtual content at this time and will inform members of the details soon.

3.       ‘Weaving our Community Together’ – Social connection and building communities is a major aspect of GOGs charter. With that in mind we would like to offer a ‘buddy system’ for our members to be able to continue to connect for a chat, a check-in and to challenge and support each other while continuing GOG’s creative and caring atmosphere. Self-isolation should not be ‘social isolation’ and GOG would like to be able to continue to support its members especially during these difficult and uncertain times.  To that end I will be putting out a Facebook poll to ask members if they would like to participate and will then pair up those members using a ‘random name selection’ program for a bit of fun.  If you would like to join us but don’t have Facebook, please email me and we will ensure you are included.

Thanks for all you do for GOG and our community!  Please take care of yourselves and each other and of course, Keep Calm and Keep on Stitchin’! 


Mary Liondi-Barlow


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