We would like to thank our current and past partner organisations and supporters. Listed below are our suporters.
Current Supporters
Arthurtech Pty Ltd
ACT Government – Health Directorate
Northside Community Service
Australian National University
Margaret Hendry School
Evatt Primary School
Moray and Agnew Lawyers
Stone Real Estate Gunghalin
Hobbysew Belconnen Mall
Crafty Frog Kambah
Woolworths Gunghalin
Gunghalin Lakes
Shout ACT
Smart Dollar Belconnen Mall
The Canberra Foundations Collaborative – Hands Across Canberra, The Snow Foundation, The John James Foundation
U&CO Cafe
New Step Podiatry
Past Supporters
ACT Suburban Land Agency’s ‘Mingle’
Green Shed
Thoroughbred Park
Texyarns International
ANU Thrive
Kambri at ANU
Rowa Cafe
If you or your organisation would like to support or partner with GOG, please email us below and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
GOG is primarily volunteer run by people who juggle work and family. Someone will get back to you as soon as we can.
Email: admin@goodomengoodeze.org.au