GOG Covid Vax Toy Challenge!

GOG is taking on the challenge! The Covid Vax Toy Challenge! 🤩We’ve offered to support some of our 5-11yr old Canberrans who will be getting their ‘Jabs’ from 10 January next year.
Our smallest fiddle toys will be used as a tool for distraction, comfort and positivity for those children who may experience distress at our vaccination clinics. In particular those fiddlers that have bits to wrap around small fingers and give sensory input like the ‘Worry Worm’.
If you’d like to take the challenge and create some ‘Worry Worms’, ‘Calming Caterpillars’, ‘Stress-less Sharks’, ‘Relaxing Red Robins’, or ‘Mini Monsters’, check out the simple patterns in our Facebook Group or on our website, or just have fun finding your own online!😍

10 Responses

  1. I would love to create some critters for children getting their Covid tests. Where can I drop them once their ready?

    1. Hi Barb! Fabulous! We have drop off points at Hobbysew Belconnen Mall for Northsiders, and Crafty Frog in Kambah for Southsiders. If you’re unable to make it to either of those locations, please send us an email and we can make other arrangements. Thanks so much for taking part!

  2. Hi, I would love to help but I crochet not knit. I can’t seem to find the crochet patterns when I has a look.
    Can you help me?

    1. Morning Jennie,

      The patterns can be found at the following site. All of the patterns for the Vax Toys are currently crochet patterns. The fiddle toy patterns are:

      Worry Worms, Bug Eyed Monsters, Mini Scrap Monsters and Little Round Birdies. If you have a similar pattern that you would prefer to make, that would be fine too.

      Thanks for taking part in our Challenge!


  3. Hi GOG
    I’ve started to crochet some Worry Worms. Do you have a number that you want us bundle together before dropping off?

    Also, when do you need these by and is there a end date for this challenge?

    1. Hi Nancy! Thanks so much! Regarding your first question, we have no set number and are happy for you to drop at your convenience. Whether that be 5, 10, or any other number! It’s totally up to you as to how many trips you would be happy to make. Secondly, we don’t have a set end date for the challenge at this stage, but will certainly let members know once we do.

      Thanks for taking part in our ‘Challenge’!

  4. Hi GOG,
    I heard on the radio yesterday about the fantastic work you all do and signed up as soon as I could. I would like to make some creatures for the Covid Vax Toy Challenge, but I can’t seem to find any knitting patterns anywhere, only crochet patterns. Would you be able to steer me in the right direction?
    Thanks for all your great work,

    1. Hi Sarah! That’s awesome! Thanks for joining the Challenge! There are a few knitting patterns out there, and I’m happy to email the links to you. Alternatively, if you’re on Facebook, our members have been knitting some toys already and would be more than happy to share patterns with you! Let me know what you’d prefer. Thanks again! Mary

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