GOG Reflections for 2022!

As another huge year for GOG flies by, and I start to look back and reflect on what has been, sitting down to write this I find myself feeling a little ‘tired and emotional’, so please forgive me if I go on too long and feel free to skip to the end where I wish you all a wonderful festive season.
In 2017, which now feels like another lifetime, when I gifted the first few ‘scrappy beanies’ to the Canberra hospital ICU, little did I know the journey this small and simple gift would take Vicki, Wendy, Kath, and myself on. GOG has grown from a 4 woman show, to well over five hundred beautiful people. It has spread it’s joy by the simple act of making, to bringing together likeminded people of all ages and demographics in Canberra, with the sole purpose of ‘making lives better’ in times of pain, sadness and uncertainty, in our own very special way. We grew from a ‘knitting group’ making beanies and blankets for patients, to a registered charity which now connects and brings joy to the community through our mindfulness and community threads workshops. Seeing firsthand each week, the connections that are formed through these workshops, seeing phone numbers being exchanged, plans being made, stories of shared experiences being told, and gifts at the end of the year being made and gifted, is truly a gift to me.
Thank you to all our amazing sponsors and partners, without you we wouldn’t be able to offer our workshops and supplies to our members for free. This support means that people of all walks of life can do something that gives them a purpose, connects them with community, gives them joy and makes them feel special.
So all that is left for me to say is – thank you, ありがとう, 감사해요, 谢谢你, terima kasih, शुक्रिया, شكرا لك, danke, grazie, merci (apologies if I’ve forgotten anyone) to every one of you who has made and gifted their special creations to the Canberra community! Know that someone out there is holding close to them something that you made with your loving hands and heart, which may be getting them through a difficult few minutes, days, months or something that they will keep and treasure for a lifetime.
Wishing you a safe, happy, and joyful Christmas and New Year! 

💜 Mary 

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