Update on the first GOG communitythreads workshop of semester 2!
Last Friday, a group of ANU students and GOG mentors met at the newly launched ANU Community Connect for a little more than three hours of learning, stitching and “speed friending”! We were so delighted to see the turnout back up to pre-covid levels, as this time we welcomed more than 20 students from beginners right through to experts!
Mary and Zoe taught the students in the two “learning groups” how to make crocheted necklaces and bracelets, and many students started on squares to make bunnies at the end of the session! Well done everyone! Looking around the room, we also saw students working on twisty shawls, amigurumi toys, crocheted flowers and so many other creative and amazing projects
For many, the highlight of the event was undoubtedly the connections they made through GOG! Arriving as strangers and leaving as mates- what a fantastic opportunity to connect with the ANU community and like-minded people on campus!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the workshop. And a huge thank you also to Josh and Tim from ANU Thrive and HAC for their ongoing support of our wellbeing program. We would also like to thank our gorgeous GOG volunteers- Mary, Zoe, Catherine and Alex- for your time and generosity in running this workshop and helping out on the day!
Our next community threads workshop will be held on Friday Week 2 (5 August). Click on the link below to register now!